VIDEO: From Skeppsta
Maskin AB
Video Conversion http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4ZN_uQ1_AM
your diesel-engine with Warm Raw Straight Vegetable Oil.
Drive your cookers
and burners, SVO.
Warm canola oil to warm diesel-engine. Data about canola oil
Rape-Therm4 New With 6/2 valve filter,
thermostat, magnet-plug, 2 sensors, 4 glowplug
Engines Running on Straight
Vegetable Oil. The Agriculture Fuel. Veg-Conversion.
Direct injection motor, pre-chamber and
Typ20 inger3m.5.avi Type 20 inger7min31.mpg
Type 40a puristin160x120.mov Type40a kokoaminen240x180.mov
Video typ90.avi Video Type 90 Jan Greger MPG
Video 6 unit of Type 90 Falkenberg Fair
Fair Paris, Hanover
Conversion Diesel engine to rape oil:'
Conversion to SVO
Video Slöinge conversion rape oil Volvo diesel engine. motor
Video Slöinge conversion rape oil
Volvo diesel engine. motor montage"Rapetherm4" .wmv
Video Slöinge conversion rape oil Volvo diesel
engine. motor drive ."Rapetherm4"wmv
Video Slöinge conversion rape oil
Volvo diesel engine. components injection "Rapetherm4".wmv
Demonstration of
oilpress Folkecenter
Raw straight rape-oil is oil you get directly from the oilpress.
Raw straight rape-oil is a very good cooking-oil. That you can eat with good
things you must think over if you wish to drive on canola oil SVO..
Not old oil . Not more than 6 month or 1 year old oil.
Lower viscosity with http://www.oilpress.com/rape-therm-valve62-2002-03-21.jpg to warm up the oil before
inlet to injection pump.
Flame pont . Start the engine with usual diesel fuel so the engine is hot
before you change to SVO Straight veg oil. If the engine is hot the veg oil
not coke.
Links many about VEG- CONVERSION,
Look at Oilpress Type 20, 40a, 55,
70, 90
The raw straight oil have high viscosity (cSt)
about 80 cSt at +20 C. But if you warm it up to about +70 C the oil
rape-oil is about 10 cSt.
If you have cold canola oil you get cavity in the
injection pump. The pump get not so much oil that the injection pump
It be not the right pressure in the injection. You get
not so good burning and you get coke in the cylinder.The usual diesel engine is
made for diesel oil not rape-oil.
And if the diesel-engine is warm you start and drive good
with raw straight rape-oil
It is very cheap to make raw straight canola oil instead to
make bio-diesel.
To make biodiesel
you must process the raw straight oil, that is to remove the high
at RME picture The
process is very expensive and dangerous to do in a little plant.
Warm rape-oil to warm diesel-engine.
1 Start
your diesel-engine with diesel-oil from extra tank, about 5 litre or more.
And you also can need warmth to
the canola oil-filter with electric glow-plug in the
filter. when the
weather is
very cold temperature.
2 When
the diesel-engine get warm and the canola oil is warm with "RapeTherm4" then it automatic put on the electric -
valve to turn
on to Straight
Vegetable Oil. "Fuel Converter"
Now you have hot
filtered Straight Vegetable Oil S.V.O direct to the diesel-engine.
3 Now you run with 100% raw rape-oil Straight Vegetable Oil from TÄBYPRESSEN.
4 When
you have work and run end of the day, you turns on to diesel fuel before
you stop the diesel engine.
It is a very short way between the valve
and the injection-pump.
When you start again you have diesel-oil
in the injection-pump when it perhaps is very cold temperature out of doors.
5 Straight Vegetable Oil in the fuel-tank, is not so easy to get fire when an
accident happens.
6 Straight Vegetable
Oil in the fuel-tank is environment
7 Straight Vegetable
Oil is good for lubrication in the
8 Straight Vegetable
Oil is good for farmers and ground for the sake
of variety in the rotation.
9 Straight Vegetable Oil is is good for skin and good for the health.
10 Straight Vegetable Oil get
no Greenhouse effect to the earth. The most problem on earth
11 Straight Vegetable Oil
is very clean so you can eat it up if you be hungry.
When you sell the car and tractor you move the equipment to the new engine. You
need not to buy a new
equipment again.
From the org fuel tank go
rape-seed-oil to extra pump to extra 3 unit parallell filters then
to heat-exchanger
( not necessarily when you have "RapeTherm4") then to
"RapeTherm4" to- the injection pump on the diesel engine.
Then you mount extra diesel fuel -tank about 5 litre or more. The
diesel-oil go from the extra tank to org filter to "RapeTherm4" to-
the injection pump on the diesel engine.
If you get problem with
rape-oil block in the rape-oil-filter on the road, motor-highway you can direct
turn on the valve 6/2 or 3/2 to diesel-oil and you
always get home without problem.
Warning! Coverings on metals of rape-oil Warning!
Not older than 6 months old rape-oil. Risk for coating less.
Raw cold pressed
rape-oil constitutes coverings:
El zinc-plarting metals. Fuel
gauge in fuel tank
Tank lid can be el zinc-plating. Galvanize
metals constitutes also coverings.
Parts and price Manual controller XR10
Electric Dixell XR20C
Rape-Therm4, NY 4 st glödpluggar, 2 sensorer, termostat, filter, 3/2 ventil, magnetplugg, 3990:-SEK
Controller "Fuel Converter with 3 sensors,
Fueltank-level, watertemp, and rape-oil temp " 12 and 24 volt DC price 5100:-SEK New
with valve, glowplugs, filter, and thermostat +100 DgC 12 volt DC price 3990:-SEK
Extra pump
to pump rape oil if it necessarily to pump cold rape-oil from the tank
. price 1050:-SEK
Extra filter 2 unit you mounting parallels . It is necessarily to have 2
or 3 filter when you pump cold rape-oil high viscosity (cSt)
Extra Tank , tubs and mounting parts,
Then you must get oil from TäbyPressen www.oilpress.com/type55.htm
1 Fuel Converter 12volt /24 volt "with 3 sensors,
Fueltank-level, watertemp, and rape-oil temp " Price 5100:-SEK
Light in display
Rape-oil temp.
Water temp.
Tank level in the rape-tank in cm.
Counter meter hours on rape-oil.
Clock Hour
Show when you run on Diesel or Rape-oil.
Emptying of rape oil from the injection pump if you forget to change to diesel
oil before stop. (Extra valve need)
All parameter you can change on buttons
on PLC
Which water temp when glow plug get on and off.
Which temp of rape-oil in Rape-Therm4 get on and off.
How many litres in rape-tank you must have to change to rape oil.
If you not have rape oil in the tank you can not warm rape oil or change to
How many minutes to pump out rape-oil from the injection-pump if you forget to
change to diesel oil before stop of diesel engine
In " RapeTherm4" is 4 glowplug you get all
heat so in normal you not need any heat exchanger from water.
You put the "rapeTherm4" in the engine
space. Relay to the valve and glowplugs.
All valves, sensors, magnet plug, security filter
. secureity thermostat 120 dg C and glowplug and so on in the same part.
No problem with leakage. No problem with water leakage because you
not need heat exchanger.
The Fuel Converter in the coupé
The fueltank and filter 3 parallel and pump in
the car boot
No water heat exchanger to mount easy to
Exampel of controller. 2
Crouzet with program and 2 temp sensors and 1 sensors level tank Price 4373:-SEK
Exampel of controller. 3
Controller XR10C 1 temp sensors 2 thermostats and 1 sensors level tank Price 1950:-SEK
In Falkenberg in Sweden I have a VOLVO diesel engine
178 KW run over 1850 hours with rape oil about 180
coldstarters with diesel fuel.
From nov 2001 to 2003.
Skeppsta Maskin AB
takes NO responsibility , consequence of this information from this
Cookers Burners.
ordinarily cookers or oil burners with fossil fuels you can convert to
raw straight SVO Rape-oil from direct from TäbyPressen www.oilpress.com/type55.htm
You need a http://www.oilpress.com/rape-therm-valve62-2002-03-21.jpg rape-thermo from me to heat
up the rape-oil.
You started the cooker burner with fossil fuels. When the
cooker is warm , the glow-plug started from sensors from the cooker and warm up
the rape-thermo to 90 DG C then the rape-oil is about 80 DG C the
6/2 valve change to rape oil. When the water in the cooker
come up to right temp it turn over to fossil fuel 1 minute or 2 and then the
cooker stop. When the cooker start again it is fossil fuel in the
injection and pump and it start good.
You mast have 1 little start tank with fossil fuel about 100
litres for only start and stop of burner.
All automatic is with http://www.oilpress.com/crouzet-plc-m2-4.JPG PLC. control 12 volt . Everything supervision is automatic
from the PLC. Start and stop.
Always start and stop with usual fossil fuel. And you run with SVO
oil from TäbyPressen. You have all-time the right temperature of the cooker and
the rape oil.
All temperature for sensors you can change in the PLC.
You need 2 sensors. 1 sensor in the "rape-thermo" and 1
sensor in the cooker who meter the temp in the cooker.
When you drive the warm cooker with warm rape-oil it is
perfect. You get all-time right burning.
http://www.oilpress.com/rape-therm-valve62-2002-03-21.jpg 12 volt DC Price 3990:-SEK
and http://www.oilpress.com/crouzet-plc-m2-4.JPG http://www.oilpress.com/crouzet-plc-m2-2.JPG
12 volt DC plc control with program 2 unit sensors to water temp and rape oil
temp PT 100 and tank level
meter on/off to get information to PLC Crouzet if it is
rape-oil in the tank. Total Price 4373:-SEK :-SEK.you can
purchase from me.
Extra pump
to pump rape oil if it necessarily to pump cold rape-oil from the tank
. price 1050:-SEK
Extra filter 2 unit you mounting parallels . It is necessarily to have 2
or 3 filter when you pump cold rape-oil.
Extra Tank , tubs and mounting parts, transformer to 12 volt from
230 volt AC DC add
Then you must get oil from TäbyPressen www.oilpress.com/type55.htm
OIL-PRESS Type 20 Type 40a Type 55 Type 70 Type 70 with Diesel Engine Type90 Filter F70S
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